Jeffrey B. Linkous, P.E., P.S.
Clinton County Engineer
Engineer's Office
Responsibilities of Today's County Engineer
"There are four distinct highway systems in Ohio. The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is responsible for the 19,000-mile State Highway System. The Township Trustees collectively oversee the maintenance of the Township Highway System with its 30,000 miles of roads. Municipalities maintain the streets and alleys within their boundaries, which together would span over 21,000 miles. The 29,000 mile County Highway System is, of course, the responsibility of Ohio's 88 County Engineers. The County Engineer works with the County Commissioners and Township Trustees to carry out a wide variety of obligations.
County Highways: The County Engineer is responsible for the maintenance, repair, widening, resurfacing, construction and reconstruction of pavements and bridges in the County Highway System. Maintenance duties include traffic control, safety projects, mowing and snow removal.
Bridges: The County Engineer is fully responsible for the bridges on both the County and the Township Highway Systems. He may also be charged with the upkeep of bridges within municipalities, including some that are part of the State Highway System. He performs the annual inspection and evaluation of the condition and load-carrying capacity of each bridge. The statutes regulating this duty require a uniform method of procedure and record-keeping.
The County Engineer participates in county and regional planning commissions and provides tax map drafting services for the county. In unincorporated areas, he may also be involved in the establishment and maintenance of petitioned and assessed ditches, sidewalks, and even county airports. He may also serve as County Sanitary Engineer, working with the County Commissioners to supervise the construction of sewer and water lines. The approval and operation of landfills and incinerators may also be a function of this office." -- published by the County Engineers Association of Ohio.